Magic Mobility X8 All-Terrain Wheelchair
My decision to purchase my X8 began when my small home built wheelchair (see My Adaptive Equipment Journey blog post) was unable to drive on an unmaintained gravel trail. The trail was part of a wilderness park advertised as having an accessible trail system. After traveling an hour to the location I discovered that my wheelchair was not built for uneven surfaces. My larger all-terrain wheelchair would not have had a problem, but transporting the large device was very taxing on my body. When I got home my wife was adamant that I purchase a wheelchair specifically built for off-road use.
I first considered buying a large mobility scooter. However all of these scooters have only two-wheel drive and are not recommended for use on sand. The X8 was designed around twenty years ago and was something I had appreciated for many years, but the price seemed high. With my dedication to promoting local accessible birding trips I overlooked this issue and made the purchase.
The X8 is an amazing piece of engineering! Each wheel is powered by a 650w motor. Steering the X8 is accomplished by having the front two motored wheels mounted on swivels and connected together. The X8 turns by the controller adjusting the speed of each motor. When turning right the left motor gets more power and swivels to the right while also pulling the right tire/motor causing it also to turn right. Simply amazing!!
Tires on the X8 are large wide low pressure knobby tires giving it incredible gripping. I have driven the X8 up a forty-five degree sand dune without any problems. The tires do not spin at all! Power needs to each tire are constantly monitored by the controller resulting in an intelligent computer controlled drive.
The model that I ordered included a tilting seat. This feature provides so many advantages for both driving down steep slopes, comfort, and angling my birding scope upwards. My camera/scope mount is connected to and moves along with the seat when tilting. I also purchased a mobility van with an automatic ramp for transporting this wheelchair.
I want to express my heartfelt thank you to the Magic Mobility design team! You have made a profound impact on my life!
Magic Mobility X8 Wheelchair with custom camera/scope mount.
Toyota Sienna VMI mobility van for transporting X8.
Me leading an Audubon Sacramento birding trip on my X8.